
Scourge of the East

"There exists no freedom from me, there is only freedom through me."


Torghul, bearer of the primordial fury, sister to Tuyalen, twice-bonded of Nhaama, fate chaser, and born of the lands beneath the shadow of the blue mountain. She is a tall and slim woman standing at 5 fulms 10 ilms. She, like many of her tribe, endured and was tempered by the harsh life upon the steppe. Where she may lack in contemporary education, she more than makes up her lack with raw ambition and a deep well of aether.In coloring, Torghul is fair of skin, with a pale grey coloration in contrast to her lustrous glossy black scales. Her mid-back length black hair is kept tied up to keep out of the way during hunts or raiding. Her large eyes bear a golden hue which radiates with an inner light, giving her eyes the appearance of burnished gold in low light.Torghul grew in the colder climates of the northern steppe and thus when facing anything but the frigid temperatures of her home, she will dress lightly with fabrics that allow the heat to be shed from her. She prefers to wear modest clothing, but is not ashamed to shed layers of cloth to escape from the unpleasant heat of the western lands.Torghul's voice is light and pleasant to the ear and is typically spoken in a slight monotone drone. She is plenty capable of adding emotion to her words, but prefers to abstain from being overly familiar with outsiders or any other potential enemies. When she does speak, it is typically with a casual formality of dispassionate professionalism. However those who find themselves to be worthy of trust, friendship, or unworthy of consideration will find her dispassionate formality to dissipate quite rapidly in private.At at quick glance, one could easily note the following:

■ Torghul is well muscled despite her slim frame. She may be considered "compact", far more physically capable than her size would suggest.■ Both eyes glow with an inner golden light that flare brighter in times of great passions.■ Torghul typically travels about unarmed, but does not seem overly concerned for a need for weapons. When questioned of such she would explain that those who carry weapons openly only betray their own fear of others.■ If she finds you interesting, you will know it. She is many things, but subtle she is not.■ She is often casually dismissive of members of other races, only caring to learn their names if they prove themselves of interest to her.

NameφTorghul Himaa
AlignmentφChaotic Neutral
AgeφLate 20s
NationalityφSteppe Nomad of the Himaa
Marital StatusφSingle
BirthplaceφNorth Eastern Azim Steppe

  • Himaa:

If you are a member of the Himaa tribe, there is a good chance you are aware of the legendary rage of Torghul, daughter of Sarangerel and sister to Tuyalen. Note: Always looking to meet more Himaa! Feel free to send me a message!

  • Steppe Warrior Societies:

If you belong to a clan of steppe warriors there is a chance you have either fought along side, or against Torghul of the Himaa.

  • Devotee of Nhaama:

Torghul would frequent any religious ceremonies to show her fervent devotion to Nhaama, there is a chance you could have met or seen her at such ceremonies.

  • Victim:

Life in the steppe is hard, and the transition to the soft western world was not easy. There is a good chance Torghul may have robbed raided you in the recent past. No hard feelings, right?

  • Resident of the Shroud:

If you are a member of the remote tribes of the Shroud, you may have heard rumors of a xaela warband razing villages and taking slaves prisoners.


Tuyalen Himaa / Twin Sister

Torghul's bondmate and sister. A powerful and respected udgan, Tuyalen has given up much in order to aide Torghul in her westward journey. While Tuyalen may not possess the raw strength of her sister, she is far more cunning and surreptitious in her approach. Though they may likely devolve to bickering if unfocused, when presented with a problem they make a formidable team that should not be underestimated.

Dagasi Himaa / Little Cousin

To Be Added.

Erden Himaa / Battle Brother

"Loyal. Fierce. But not fiercely loyal. I have seen Torghul look upon friends and enemies with the same fire in her eyes. I wonder if she can tell the difference between us when the heat of battle takes her?"

Ganzorig Himaa / Battle Brother

A childhood friend and rival to Torghul. She tested her claws upon him first, and has always seen the man to be something worth aspiring toward. Lately, however she believes the man has lost his way and risks falling prey to the weakness of the western lands. Only time will tell if he will grow fat from comfort, or reform himself to former glory.


Thank you for visiting my character profile!

There are just a few things that need to be addressed regarding roleplaying with Torghul.

This carrd is not meant to be an exhaustive profile of Torghul. There are chunks of characterization that are purposefully omitted or left vague so that details can be discovered through roleplay. Feel free to use anything present on the hooks or rumors sections.I am based out of the Balmung server on the Crystal data center of Final Fantasy XIV and live in the North American Pacific time zone. I am typically available in the afternoons to early evening and on weekends, as work permits.Thematically, I usually prefer more mature and dark settings that are established in a more realistic framework. While I understand that realism and the inherent fantastical nature of the setting may seem to conflict, I also prefer to interpret my own characterization and personal plots in a more grounded manner, relative to what occurs for some other player characters.Romantic themes are possible, but they also will need to make sense to the character and the situation. While ERP is inevitably consequence of long term relationships, ERP simply for the sake of ERP is not something I am interested in.The line in between IC and OOC is very important and I ask you keep cognizant the fact that my character does not share my feelings. While I do seek to make friends and connections OOC, I would caution that Torghul can be dismissive, rude, or outwardly hostile as she considers the other races to be inferior to the blood of Nhaama. If such themes are troubling to you, I would ask that you inform me of such, or approach at your own risk.

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